China Israel Exchange

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China-Israel Economic Leaders Fellowship
The China-Israel Economic Leaders Fellowship was a special track on the 2014-15 Israel-Asia Leaders Fellowship. The track – sponsored by the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and China Israel Exchange – provided an Israeli and a Chinese student with full participation in the Israel-Asia Leaders Fellowship and a study scholarship in Israel. During the program, the two students worked together over the year under the supervision of the China-Israel Economic Task Force in the Prime Minister’s Office to research, identify and develop a plan and projects for Israel-China economic initiatives to strengthen human capital exchange between the two countries.

2014-15 Recipients:
Ruihang Pu – China
Iren Reznikov – Israel


About China Israel Exchange
China Israel Exchange (C.I.E.) is a public benefit corporation in Israel which spawns initiatives with government, academia, and industry, in order to strengthen the economic and cultural ties between China and Israel.  C.I.E develops bi-national projects through the application of innovative Israeli technologies and know-how to address some of the key social and environmental challenges faced by China.