Bingwei Vivian Xiang


Vivian is currently on an exchange program at Haifa University, as part of her B.A. studies in Hebrew language and literature at Beijing International Studies University (BISU). During her studies, she was awarded Best Journalist of the Year in 2018-19.

Alongside her studies, Vivian has been bridging the worlds of business and culture between Israel and China through an internship at IsCham (the Israeli chamber of commerce) in Beijing, where she has been overseeing digital and social media operations as well as conducting research and assisting organizing events. She is also a video production assistant at China Radio International (CRI)’s Hebrew Service, were she produced and presented a number of videos in Hebrew. The videos, which went viral on social media, received tens of thousands of views.

Over the past year, Vivian has also served as Assistant Editor and of Middle East Studies Communication (MESC) and was a group leader of a BISU Survey on Beijing’s Hutong Culture.

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