Kengo Akano
Kengo Akano is passionate about medical technology and its role in building a bridge between Israel and Japan.
Kengo’s first visit to Israel was when he interned for Hexa, a 3D imaging technology platform, exploring partnership opportunities with Japan. Kengo then came to Israel with his work for a Japanese medical service company, where he researched global health startups to create business alliances. Kengo also participated in Slush Asia, the global start-up event which nurtures the start-up mind and ecosystem in Asia, as a leader of the Q&A session booth.
Kengo has volunteered for the Non-Carious Association, travelling to Myanmar to teach children about dental hygiene and assist dentists in treatment. He is also a mentor for the Ryugaku Fellowship, a program mentoring high-school students aiming to study at foreign universities.
Kengo is currently pursuing his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Tel-Aviv University. He enjoys learning new coding languages and producing short films.
During the fellowship, Kengo founded Israel MedTech Post, in collaboration with Israeli media partners such as The Times of Israel, No Camels and Israel 21c. The site features Japanese translations of news articles on Israeli medtech, biotech and digital health news for a readership of japanese healthcare professionals and investors. The site also features profiles of different Israeli medtech companies. Read more here.
In addition to this, Kengo is also the founder and CEO of JIW Sync, providing research services for Japanese companies and investors on Israeli startups.