Sabita Deshemaru


Sabita Deshemaru has a professional background in the development sector, predominantly in the fields of community empowerment, education and women’s health.

Sabita studied her M.A. in Glocal Community Development Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is currently engaged in preparatory research for her Ph.D.

Prior to arriving in Israel, Sabita worked with Israeli NGO Tevel B’tzedek in Nepal for three years as an area coordinator to recruit and train international volunteers in women empowerment and capacity-building projects. Prior to this, she had volunteered for a number of aid organizations in Nepal and India. At Reproductive Health Rights, India, she designed and implemented a reproductive health awareness project, and conducted health training for local staff and women leaders. In Kathmandu, she volunteered for a UNDP HIV/AIDS Program Unit.

Following her M.A. in Israel, Sabita has been working at the Center for International Migration, as a counselling Nepali migrant workers in Israel on their employment rights. Her current goal is to establish an Israeli orthopedic mobile clinic in Nepal, as a collaborative initiative between Israeli and Nepali hospitals.

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