Veronica Paula Manzon
The Philippines
Veronica Paula Manzon has been working for international aid agencies in the Philippines for the past eight years, predominantly in the field of climate resistance development, disaster management, trade promotion, economic empowerment of women and water management.
Her most recent role is promoting science and technology in education through a USAID funded project. Prior to this, she was a research associate at the Coastal Resiliency Project for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Green Climate Fund Readiness Program.
Veronica has also worked as a trade and investment policy coordinator at Deloitte’s Trade Related Assistance for Development Project as well as with the Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument Facility for the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response.
While in Israel, she is enrolled on the M.A. in Global Community Development Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Veronica is seeking Israeli water technologies and best practices in community sanitation that can be applied to communities in the Philippines. She sees the fellowship as serving as her platform for this as well as developing relevant skills, and providing her with key contacts and mentors in Israeli government and development agencies, as well as the international development and water technology arena.